100% for the first 5 years. |
50% for the consecutive 5 years. |
50% exemption on profits ploughed back, for the third 5 years. |
100% Foreign Direct Investment in manufacturing sector allowed. |
Exemption of Custom Duty / Central Excise Duty on imports / domestic purchases of capital goods, raw materials, spares, consumables etc. for setting up units. |
Relaxed labor laws and local resolving of disputes. |
Facility to realize and repatriate export proceeds within 12 months. |
Exemption from industrial licensing requirement for items reserved for SSI sector. |
Profits allowed to be repatriated freely without any dividend - balancing requirement. |
In-house customs clearance for hassle free operations. |
Units entitled to reimbursement of Central Sales Tax on domestic purchases. |
Domestic sales allowed on payment of duty, subject to import policy in force. |
Single Window Clearances. |